Sunday, June 13, 2010

SSH to Ipod touch or Iphone

SSH'ing to your ipod allows you to bring files on your ipod directly to your computer. This is just a tutorial on how to SSH just in case you even find the need to do just that.

1. Alright first we are going to need a program called WinSCP download it here

2. Now we are going to need two apps for our Ipod/Iphone so open up cydia and search

3. Once you have these two installed and WinSCP installed on your computer we can get going.

4. Open WinSCP and now you have to fill in some information:
-For the "Host Name" you will need to type in your IPod/IPhone's IP address. This is where SBSettings comes in. Run your finger along the top of your IPod/Iphone's screen and a dropdown menu should apear with your IP on it so put that in.

5. Now for the host name type "root" without quotes and for the password type "alpine" without the quotes and click login

6. If you get a popup message press yes

7. And your done you can now browse through the files on your Ipod/Iphone on your computer!

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