Sunday, June 13, 2010

Second Tutorial: Free apps from the app store

Alright now that you have a Jailbroken Ipod one of the most awesome things you can do Is get free apps from the app store and I am going to show you how.

1. Open the "Cydia" app that you should have gotten from the first tutorial

2. Once it loads it will ask to to select what kind of user you are you can select anything I ususally just go with developer because it has no restrictions

3. Next look at the bottom on the screen and select "Manage" then select sources

4. Now at the top right of the screen click edit and then add and type this source in "" without the quotes and select add.

5. When its finished adding select it in the sources menu and scroll down till you find an app called "Installous" and install it.

6. Now once it finishes installing you should see it on your springboard like any other app. Just click on it and use it like the app store!

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