Thursday, June 17, 2010

Official Website

Alright I have released my official website where I will be spending most of my time. I will try to keep the blog updated but I might not. Feel free to make an account on my website as members will receive discounts on services I provide. Another thing, keep clicking the adds on this site and my official site. I need revenue to keep all this going.

Here it is:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Actual Website

I have created an actual website for Apollo's Mods however I am not releasing the URL yet as the site is still under construction. Also keep clicking the adds guys its really helping me out

Help me help you

Click the adds on this site to give me the funding to continue to provide you with the services you desire.



Post your requests for modding tutorials below.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Xbox 360: 10th prestige lobbies

I am able to host 10th prestige lobbies in Call of Duty: World at War and over the summer I will be able to provide 10th prestige lobbies for COD 4 and COD MW2.

-Cod WAW: 1600 msp or $20
-Cod 4: $20 *not available yet
-Cod MW2: $20 *not available yet

If you wish to be in any of my lobbies post a reply to this post and I will provide you with my Gamertag and the time you should be online.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Things to come

I will be posting tutorials on Xbox 360 and Original Xbox modding when I have time. Until then have fun with your Jailbroken Ipods/Iphones XD!


I will trying to get a couple of video tutorials up sometime next week but I might not have time because of finals. Right now its just random videos so just ignore it for now.

SSH to Ipod touch or Iphone

SSH'ing to your ipod allows you to bring files on your ipod directly to your computer. This is just a tutorial on how to SSH just in case you even find the need to do just that.

1. Alright first we are going to need a program called WinSCP download it here

2. Now we are going to need two apps for our Ipod/Iphone so open up cydia and search

3. Once you have these two installed and WinSCP installed on your computer we can get going.

4. Open WinSCP and now you have to fill in some information:
-For the "Host Name" you will need to type in your IPod/IPhone's IP address. This is where SBSettings comes in. Run your finger along the top of your IPod/Iphone's screen and a dropdown menu should apear with your IP on it so put that in.

5. Now for the host name type "root" without quotes and for the password type "alpine" without the quotes and click login

6. If you get a popup message press yes

7. And your done you can now browse through the files on your Ipod/Iphone on your computer!

Tutorial three: Free apps from Cydia

You may have noticed in Cydia that certain apps require you to pay with a paypal account. This is kinda annoying so I will list some sources you can add in Cydia to get most of the apps there for free. I will mark the ones that I have verified working.

- *verified
- *verified
- *verified

Here are just some cool sources

- *Has tons of gba roms + some other stuff
- *snes roms obviously

Second Tutorial: Free apps from the app store

Alright now that you have a Jailbroken Ipod one of the most awesome things you can do Is get free apps from the app store and I am going to show you how.

1. Open the "Cydia" app that you should have gotten from the first tutorial

2. Once it loads it will ask to to select what kind of user you are you can select anything I ususally just go with developer because it has no restrictions

3. Next look at the bottom on the screen and select "Manage" then select sources

4. Now at the top right of the screen click edit and then add and type this source in "" without the quotes and select add.

5. When its finished adding select it in the sources menu and scroll down till you find an app called "Installous" and install it.

6. Now once it finishes installing you should see it on your springboard like any other app. Just click on it and use it like the app store!

First tutorial: Jailbreaking Ipod touch, Iphone, Ipad

This is a tutorial on how to jailbreak an ipod touch, Iphone, or Ipad with firmware 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 or even 3.2.

1. Download Spirit for your operating system at
2. Plug your device into your computer
3. Open spirit.exe and wait for it to detect your device
4. Click the "Jailbreak" button and wait for the process to be completed
5. BOOM! your done! You have a Jailbroken Ipod touch, Iphone, or Ipad

Later I will a list of top Jailbroken apps + how to get apps from the app store for free XD!!


Welcome to my modding blog. I will be updating this with modding services I can perform and tools that I can give you. I will also provide tutorials on how to use these tools and help you trouble shoot any problems you encounter.
